Sunday, August 3, 2008


The FIRST LIGHT HEALER'S SHAMANIC COLLECTION is a specialist range of twenty six native New Zealand teacher plant essences.
Made from specially selected native New Zealand teacher plants of a particular potency and high order.
Flower essence practitioners, those in the healing and helping professions, shamanic healers, energy workers, counsellors, massage therapists, naturopaths, doctors, homeopaths, nurses, hospice workers, care givers and all those who are personally walking the healing path or working with those in need of assistance - this range is especially for you.
A personal offering from spirit that addresses the metaphysical spiritual challenges of the times facing the healer and all those individuals walking the healing path.
A very special family of ancient powerful teacher plants that are a pure expression of ancient indegenous plant medicine for the requirements of the 21st century.
Keywords for the THE SHAMANIC HEALER'S COLLECTION No's 85-110
Black Mamaku
Step into the archetypal role of the healer. Move into timeless healing space and invoke the healer's powers. Accepting the mantle of healing power. Opening up to the healing journey.
Ancient Kauri
Maintain a heart centred healing focus. Strengthen the spirit through connection with the heart. See with the all-seeing eye of the heart. Tap into the healing knowledge of the ancestors of our land.
Maire Tawake
Neutrality and non-attachment. Not being overwhelmed, drawn in or made to feel responsible for our clients needs or processes. Coming from a place of empathy rather than sympathy.
Caring for your healer self. Optimum functioning. Personally applying the principles of wholistic healing and living. Being alert to our own needs. Staying open to expansion. Always learning and continuing to grow.
Black Shield Fern
Double protection. For maximum energetic protection. Prevents others reading or tapping into your energy. Use to recharge after serious energy depletion. Use to close off energetically and take time out. Use when you don't wish to be energetically available to others. For painfully high levels of sensitivity to sound, light, energy etc. Exposure to unusually high levels of negativity, computers and electromagnetic fields.
Smooth Shield Fern
The standard healer’s protection essence. For those in the shamanic, counselling, healing, caring or health profession. Prevents negative energy from affecting us. Allows us to stay open and empathetic while maintaining personal objectivity and energetic autonomy.
Triangular Fern
Activating the triangle of healing power. Unifies all three aspects of the psyche for a healing outcome. Calling on the highest spiritual forces for assistance or information. Facilitates the sacred relationship and energetic connection between the healer, the client and spirit.
Lace Fern
Recalibration of our aura and chakra energetic patterning. Use after light body or energy work to recalibrate the changes. Taking the healing to a new level. Honouring one's unique healing journey.
Enhances sensitivity of the hands. Helps to detect pain, blockages, intrusions in the energy field or body. Particularly useful for massage, auric or hands on healers. Heightens sensing and clairsentient abilities.
Five Finger
Activating and enhancing the subtle senses for healing and journey work. Naturally stimulates the equal development and use of clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairknowing and clairgustus - psychic smell/taste.
Toothed Lancewood
Extractions. For the removal of intrusions in the body including psychic barbs and invasive energy. Helps remove psychic barbs and darts. To remove negative emotional, thought or psychic projections of others from the energy field or environment.
Sword Fern
The spiritual warrior upholding our right to have a direct link to spirit without interference. Standing in your power place. Severing old invalid karmic connections, agreements, contracts, vows promises. Severing cords, inlines, ties, psychic attachments negatively affecting the energy field. Locating the blockage or core cause of illness or dis-ease.
Accessing the spirit world. Walking between the worlds. Heightens the powers of shamanic vision. Bridges the gap between ordinary and non-ordinary reality. Connects us to a lineage of master shamans from the past who assist us in our personal healing. Connecting with our guide or link to the spirit worlds for shamanic journeying.
Native Daphne
Reading the signs correctly in the spirit world. Being guided daily by the signs in life. Interpreting the signs in nature. Recognising a true message and knowing what it means. Seeing and communicating with the spirit in everything. Recognising omens and knowing what they mean.
Pale Flowered Kumerahou.
Linking in with the spiritual forces of the land/place. Making an offering.’ Payment for accessing magical pathways. Earth magic and nature power. Linking to the fairy folk - the patupairarehe. Working with the spirit of the land or place. Ascertaining the required spiritual protocols for working with the spirit of the land.
The shaman’s drum. Arousing the inner fire. Entering the shamanic state at will. Moving into an altered state of consciousness. Activation and development of the light bodies. Raising the vibration. Preparing to journey. The excitation of light within the being. Consciousness raising tempo. Accessing the web of oneness.
For soul retrieval work. To access the lower world or underworld – the place of the past. Bringing the power from the past into the present. For wisdom, information and healing connected to past lives or events. Power animal/totem retrieval.
Tree Daisy
To access the Middle World - the magical version of our conscious or everyday reality. Anchoring the power from the past into the present. To solve everyday problems pertinent to our waking life. To gain information that is relevant to this life, especially information that involves reanimated problems or past life relationships.
Native Angelica
To access the Upper World – the place of the future and our spirit guides. Sending the power from the present into the future. To obtain guidance for the future. Connects us to the lineage of archangels and guardians of our galaxy. Anchors us safely into the time after the great change that occurs after 2012 as we evolve into homo spiritualis.
Red Matipo
Soul retrieval. Calling or singing the soul back home after soul loss. Causing the spirit to re-enter the being. Welcoming the returned spirit home. Bringing the scattered, fragmented, lost or traumatised parts of the self back home.
Integrating the experience. Identifying and addressing the needs of the new found part of us. Integration and synthesis. The absorbtion into the existing matrix of a new awareness and reality. Helps in the process of finding all of the missing parts and uniting them back together as one healed whole.
The Eighth Chakra. Accessing the soul scripts. The akashic records. Traveling through the river of time. The channel. To assist in the healing of the trauma that occurred when parts of the soul fragmented, left or split off. Breathing the soul back in to the body. Seals or anchors the energy into all dimensions.
Tree Nettle – Ongaonga
The shaman’s guardian. The Rainbow Bridge that allows the traveller to return home safely. A pathway home for the fragmented parts of the soul. Sending healing or energy out across the Rainbow Bridge. Support, protection and care for body and spirit while we travel to other realms.
Suffusing the body with cleansing healing energies when there has been an intrusion of negative energy. To cleanse, close and heal psychic soul wounds. Spiritual, psychic disinfectant, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral.
Marsh Ribbonwood – Makaka
The spiritual warrior. Being in divine ego. Discipline. True obedience to the oneness. The healed feminine and masculine energies in perfect alignment. Facilitates the expelling of difficult entities, interdimensional or extraterrestial interference. A potent spiritual antidote for all negative or intrusive energies. To remove internally/externally created entities. Removal of curses.
Facilitates the expelling of elemental entities associated with alcohol, drug addictions and medication.